Architecture + Expression: Exploration of Self

The home is a storybook, a sanctuary. It presents a deeply intimate look inside the mind of the owner and of its builder.

For the owner, it holds moments and memories; it provides peace and comfort. For the builder, it offers a unique opportunity to understand how the owner, and all humans, yearn for the fulfilment of the hierarchy of their needs through protection, creativity, and necessity.

Freedom to change your space extends a necessary insight into the symbiotic relationship put on structure, creation, and standards of the places in which we reside.

It is ever-changing.

Architecture + Building Community: The Third Place

The architecture of a community corresponds with how its people, their experiences, and their stories, are prioritized and preserved. 

Designing and building spaces for the masses, the sole focus is to make its residents feel appreciated, and empowered in a safe, beautiful way. This communicates to the populous, as well as its surrounding communities, what the society deems valuable. 

The prioritization of the third place. In a world that oftentimes lacks interaction as we become more reliant on virtual resources, the communal spaces we build provide a vital invitation for a community to define, and often redefine, itself as society changes around it.

With this in mind, it is the duty of a community's architect to create a space that is reflective of its residents' needs, their aspirations of the future, and the preservation of its past in a manner that is accessible to all within its boundaries.